myFISHLABS - Now it`s personal! FISHLABS presents a new community for fans of mobile phone games

Released on: July 3, 2008, 9:04 am

Press Release Author: Ilka T�llner swordfish pr

Industry: Entertainment

Press Release Summary: FISHLABS Entertainment GmbH present myFISHLABS, their new
community for fans of mobile phone games. Price advantages, simpler payment, extra
features, credit kick-backs, upgrades, and interaction with other community members
on your favourite games - myFISHLABS offers everything a mobile phone gamer's heart

Press Release Body: After free registration, users can create a profile and list
their favourite FISHLABS games along with their model of mobile phone. Members have
the opportunity to send each other messages and free SMS, and to discuss games with
like-minded players in the forum. The community will start off with Rally Master
ProT - all the other FISHLABS games will also soon be available at myFISHLABS.

Every myFISHLABS member will receive a credits account, which can be used to make
payments easily and conveniently. There is a discount of at least 20 percent on all
FISHLABS games. The discount will increase up to as much as 50 percent with the
purchase of credits packs. When they register, new members will receive 20,000
credits, which they can even use to get some mobile phone games for free.

With all future games having an on-line connection to the FISHLABS server OCEANT,
myFISHLABS also offers a platform where like-minded gamers can compare their skills
and upload current games. With Rally Master ProT, the first FISHLABS title with an
on-line connection, the focus is on the best times for the individual courses, for
other games, such as Galaxy on Fire 2 coming this autumn, not only can the current
score be uploaded, so can complete saved games with all the game information

But OCEANT can do much more. For the first time, we can now update our mobile phone
games and make additional content available, like additional courses for Rally
Master ProT. The data amounts to be transferred are kept as low as possible in order
to keep the connection fees low. Thus, for example, all the graphics for the courses
are already in the mobile phone game. Only the course route will be downloaded, and
that is only a few kilobytes.

myFISHLABS has yet another advantage: the version of Rally Master ProT is optimally
protected against piracy. Those who haven't registered can only play the first two
courses of the 'amateur' rally, which are available to download for free. MyFISHLABS
users, on the other hand, can pay for another seven courses with their free credits
from registering at myFISHLABS and play on. The remaining 18 courses can be very
easily purchased with the credit system at a heavy discount.

There are three ways to get the games: via a download link per SMS, by e-mail and
then transfer from the PC to the mobile phone, or via direct download from to the PC and then transfer to the mobile phone.

'We demand quality over quantity in our games. That is how we have been able to
build a large fan community, which we now want to bring together in myFISHLABS,'
explains Michael Schade, CEO of FISHLABS Entertainment GmbH. 'As a way of thanking
our loyal customers, we will offer our games for significantly less at myFISHLABS
and with additional on-line features.'

Starting right now, mobile phone gamers can register at and use the community with a limited scope prior to
the launch of Rally Master ProT. The additional features are still being tested and
will go live for the Games Convention at the end of August.

myFISHLABS features for the launch of Rally Master ProT

- Rally Master ProT price advantage - with the credit system, community members will
receive Rally Master ProT as a free download, with nine courses at no charge
- Content upgrades (e.g. new courses in Rally Master ProT at a special price)
- High-score upload and challenges in Rally Master ProT with credits kick-back
- Interaction with other FISHLABS fans with the community functions in myFISHLABS

myFISHLABS features for the Games Convention 2008

- Simpler payment - purchase credits and simply buy several games or game sequences
with the balance
- All FISHLABS mobile phone games at a 20 to 50 percent discount
- Credits kick-back for active users in the community (e.g. getting friends to sign
up, etc.)
- Upload complete saved games for future games (e.g. Galaxy on Fire 2)
- Extensive user profile with a search function to find similar players
- Individual banner with current user status for integration in other websites
- Free SMS to other members of myFISHLABS

Web Site:

Contact Details: swordfish pr GAMES
Ilka Toellner
Trogerstrasse 17
81675 Munich
Tel: +49 89 - 600 316 41
Fax: +49 89 - 600 316 50

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